
LimberDuck (pronounced ˈlɪm.bɚ dʌk) is a project initiated on November 26, 2018. The main goal of this project is to create an array of free and Open Source 1 tools dedicated for Security Engineers who wants to automate their work, decrease their workload and focus on data analysis.
Website GitHub pagenessus file analyzer (nfa)
This is a GUI tool which enables you to parse multiple nessus files containing the results of scans performed by using Nessus or by © Tenable, Inc. used for VA 2 process. Parsed scan results are exported to a Microsoft Excel Workbook for effortless analysis.
Operational memory usage will be kept low while parsing even the largest of files. You can run it on your favorite operating system, whether it is Windows, macOS or GNU Linux. As a parsing result, you will receive spreadsheets with a summary view of the whole scan and/or all reported hosts. You will also be able to generate spreadsheets with a detailed view of all reported vulnerabilities 3 and/or noncompliance. It’s free and Open Source 1 tool.
nessus file reader (nfr)
This is a python module which enables you to quickly parse nessus files containing the results of scans performed by using Nessus or by © Tenable, Inc. used for VA 2 process. This module will let you get data through functions grouped into categories like file, scan, host, and plugin to get specific information from the provided nessus scan files e.g. file size, report name, report hosts names, the number of target hosts, the number of hosts scanned with credentialed checks, the number of reported plugins per Risk Factor, exact host scan times, outputs of particular plugins and a lot more. It’s free and Open Source 1 tool.
Converter CSV
This is a GUI tool which lets you convert multiple large csv files to xlsx files keeping your operational memory usage at a low level. You can run it on your operating system no matter if it is Windows, MacOS or GNU Linux. It’s free and Open Source 1 tool.
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Read more about Vulnerability Assessment in glossary. ↩︎ ↩︎
Read more about vulnerabilities in glossary. ↩︎